February 14, 2012

Take a tip from Fulkultur and their Ugly Dance

My extremely attractive brother doing the Ugly Dance

It seems that I have been neglecting my blog, but I have been waiting for something to really inspire me for a post. That inspiration happened in the form of a hilarious video of my brother. Who doesn’t like laughing at their little brother? We all know that Facebook is a great way to hear about funny videos and pictures, and I happened to come across a hilarious video that one of my brother’s friends made for him. 

This website features a video that you can put your picture (or someone else’s) in so that it looks like you are doing a funny dance. Kind of like what JibJab does when you can “Elf Yourself” or “Scrooge Yourself” at Christmas time, but funnier. You can change the moves that their legs and arms do so that you can make your friend/enemy/brother look as ridiculous as you want.

This interactive site is done by a band from Sweden called Fulkultur, and is basically just a really creative way to create awareness for their new song “The Ugly Dance.” This is a great public relations strategy on their part and is a fun, quirky way to let people know that their song is out there.
I do have a few thoughts on their campaign.

1.     They have done a great job to create an interactive tool for fans, and non-fans, that is fun and showcases their song in a fun, silly atmosphere. If you take a look at any of their other videos and songs, you can tell that they are all about having fun and being crazy so this website does a great job showing what they are really about.

2.     Considering they don’t have any prominent social media presence, this viral site has done extremely well for itself.

3.     That being said, they should really incorporate social media into their online presence if they want to create a community and bond with their fans. As of right now, their Facebook “interest” page has nothing on it, and only has a few hundred likes. I might not be looking hard enough, but I can’t seem to find a Twitter page, or a YouTube channel. They need to up their ante because I want to follow them! They do have a Myspace page, but I mean really, who uses Myspace anymore? 

Considering we are taking an integrated marketing communications course right now, I feel like I can say that this was a great campaign, especially since it started about a year ago and is still being widely viewed. It made me want to buy their song, what about you?